Monday 20 April 2020

Hopefully the German Jewish community...

Here’s a link to an article of mine that was published yesterday by the Israeli daily Haaretz. The article asks but also answers the question « Do Jews have a future in Germany? And if so, what kind of future? «


  1. Very good article of yours in the Haaretz. I agree totally. Obviously, a tricky issue. Even better would be, if Jews and Germans start talking about normalization together.
    It is necessary, despite the fact that a normal relationship is still not possible and will not be so for a long time still .- and, sadly, may never be normal due to the Holocaust. But lets just try to be human beings, who are all equal before the law and its fundamental principles for a free, just, civil and democratic society.

  2. Not new that these German Jews are mainly interested in money and don’t give a damn regarding its source
