Sunday 12 April 2020

Ballo in Maschera

The situation for oldies like myself is tough: not many really consider us to be golden-oldies, to be treasured and cherished.  We are not far from the point, I believe, that the patience of the younger generation will run out. “If you are afraid of dying, stay at home – but don’t tell me not to cough or sneeze in the supermarket” is not here yet, but will come sooner rather than later.

An important means for preventing the spreading of the virus seems to be compulsory across-the-board wearing of masks. For oldies who do not want to be locked-up until vaccines are available, such a step, could be helpful.

For some reason there is still a shortage of masks. Is it so difficult to manufacture these rather simple products here and now? Do they have to be sourced in China, only in order to have them stolen by by black market operators? We are not talking vaccines, sophisticated scientific equipment, ventilators, or pharmaceutical products. These are just simple bloody masks.

Here's an original mask made by my good friend Genevieve: 


  1. Wir haben über "these curious times“ gelesen und sehen die Angelegenheit mit einigem Schrecken.
    Deine Maskeraden wirken überzeugend und stehen Dir gut.

  2. Wonderful picture! you are a trend setter!! M

  3. Great pic. Reminds me of my dentist :-)

  4. Deine Maske ist patentwürdig, schon angemeldet?
