Sunday 12 April 2020

Look at me - Look at you

Most people try to keep a certain distance from others in this fourth week of government-regulated-behaviour in public areas. Much of this change in behaviour is fear-driven, as we want to avoid being infected by the potential virus-carrier approaching us. To do that, we need to actually look at who is sharing the pavement that we are walking. Total absorption with earphones, whilst watching a video or writing a message, are difficult.

As a result, we seem to be more aware of each other than we were before this pandemic befell us. A by-product is that more people are also smiling at strangers, making way for others to pass, thanking each other for acts of consideration and thoughtfulness. It even pays off, as such simple civility normally makes us feel good about ourselves.

This new empathy is unlikely to last but one can enjoy it whilst it does.

1 comment:

  1. Ich mache dieselben Erfahrungen und freue mich, dass ich nochmals sovielen freundlichen Mitbürgern begegnen darf, die mir ein Lächeln wie in Kindertagen schenken, als ich ein hübsches kleines Mädchen war. Welch erfreulicher Revival!
