Sunday 8 March 2020


I was burgled last week, and the thieves stole several items of emotional value to me. Items that are unlikely to bring them much money but that I will really miss.

This watch was my maternal great grandfather’s. He bequeathed it to my grandmother, who in turn left it to me.

This watch was a present my paternal grandmother made to my father and it is inscribed in the back.

Two more watches were stolen, including the watch my parents gave me sixty years ago, for my 13th birthday.

Other items stolen included silver napkin rings with initials of my grandparents and a couple of old Russian salt cellars. 


  1. צר לי לשמוע, כמה עצוב ומעצבן

  2. How sad, David. Value for thieves discounts sentiment. For what it is worth, if they are going to make money out of the watches, there are a limited number of dealers and most will want authentication. The alternative is selling directly on the web. I only know because my watch is second hand.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So very sorry for this having happened to you. Awful. I hope you get these items back. Xxx Cornelia

    1. Thank you. I am not very optimistic.

  5. Einbrüche im Freundeskreis sind leider keine Seltenheit und uns gerade aus unserer Londoner Zeit noch in schlimmer Erinnerung. Wie wir immer wieder hörten, ist der Verlust von Gegenständen von hohem immateriellen Wert wie z.B. Erbstücken besonders schmerzlich. Bei Dir wird erschwerend hinzukommen, dass es nur wenige Objekte gibt, die Dir Deine Vorfahren haben hinterlassen können. So kannst Du Dir unseres Mitgefühls über den gemeinen Diebstahl und auch die vermutliche Verwüstung Deiner Wohnung gewiss sein.

  6. David – I just read about the burglary and your loss of the watches. What a shame. The same happened to me (only one old watch, but a beloved one) a few years ago and I know how bad the feeling of loss can be.

  7. These mementos have such value since we have so few relatives. The loss is painful.
