Sunday 1 December 2019

UK Elections – Who to vote for?

Half of those who participated in the Referendum, three years ago, voted against Brexit. This population of Remainers has been swindled out of its rightful voice in parliament, because of Jeremy Corbyn’s personal Brexit sympathies.

So, who should British Remainers vote for? They should vote tactically: If the Liberal-Democrat candidate in their constituency has a good chance of getting in, they should vote for that candidate. Regardless of how much they like the incumbent MP. Otherwise, they should vote Labour.

It now seems that Boris Johnson will get more votes than Jeremy Corbyn and it is vital that he should not be able to form a government without a coalition partner. The price of the Liberal Democrats for such partnership will hopefully be a second referendum.

Brexit is the important issue and people should vote with that in mind. But even for those, who do not feel that strongly: The Liberal Democrats’ more balanced policies in virtually all spheres would be critical dampeners to the extremist agendas of both Conservatives and Labour.

Above all: Vote.

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record:
    Like it or not, LESS than half the voters voted against Brexit
