Sunday 23 August 2020

The United Arab Emirates and Israel

With much fanfare, the Netanyahu and Trump PR machines announced that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have agreed to establish diplomatic relations. According to the UAE Israel has agreed to give up the West Bank annexation plans, which Netanyahu has been talking about. According to Trump, Israel would forgo for now “declaring sovereignty” over occupied West Bank territory. And... according to Netanyahu his plan to annex part of the West Bank “remains on the table.” 


The Israeli move seems brilliant: they first announce that they would take over (others call it steal) Palestinian land and then in return for agreeing to cool their landgrab plan for a while, get something tangible. It is, of course, far from brilliant: without reaching an agreement with the Palestinians, their frustration will continue to fester. Israel might get richer and militarily stronger, but it will not live in peace. Rich and strong and screw the rest.


It has been reported that settlers are livid. They had believed Netanyahu and were hoping for the formalisation of the de-facto annexation, that Israel has been carrying out salami-fashion for years. To be told that you have to put off stealing for a while must be difficult for them. Judging by the past, they need not worry. Operation Landgrab will be allowed to continue.  


Palestinians too are disappointed – by their “brethren”. I don’t know why. They should have gotten used to it. They have been mistreated by the Arab world throughout their history. Yet, neither pointing to that fact, nor to the Palestinians' own mismanagement of their interests, will solve the problem. And, as already said, unless it is solved, there will regularly be trouble.


  1. The United Arab Emirates, Israel and - dare one say this? - Donald Trump deserve much praise for this agreement. It was a remarkable act of skilful and flexible diplomacy on all sides. With luck it will encourage further agreements between Israel and some other Arab states, and increase mutual security, wealth and understanding, especialy in view of continued Iranian enmity.
    The Palestinians would be well advised to recognise Israel as a Jewish State instead of perpetually calling for its destruction, or, equivalenty, boycots, divestments and sanctions (with its plainly antisemitic undertones of: "Kauft nicht bei Juden!").
    Until such time as they decide to abandon this unfortunate attitude it would be a mistake to heed their objections to too much.

  2. Being much less single-minded amd much more pragmatic than you I welcomed the deal between bibi and the VAE. Whatever weakens the muslim fanatics and their columns (Iran/hisbollah) is a step towards peace.
