Friday 21 June 2019

Brexit and Mass Suicide

Some will disagree, but it seems that what the population of the United Kingdom is doing is a sort of mass suicide. These are rare and when they take place, it is normally a small community – and not a whole country – that undertakes such a drastic measure. It takes a very charismatic leader to convince his followers to choose death over what they decide is a life not worth living. The defenders of Massada are said to have done so to avoid falling in the hands of the Romans, as did many members of other religious sects in more recent history. At the end of the Second World War, a wave of suicides took place in Germany: for some, life without Hitler was not worth living, for others it was the successful Nazi propaganda that instilled such fear of the Russians, which brought about suicides.

The story behind Brexit is well-known by now and does not need repeating. What cannot be said often enough – as it is in the heart of our democracy – is the scandalous dishonesty, with which British politicians (mainly right-wing politicians) push the country into Brexit. At some point, we should seriously ask ourselves where the dividing line is between such lies, to further one’s cause, and treason?

The prominent Yougov polling organisation has, a few days ago, published the following amazing results of their latest poll, in which they polled members of the Conservative (Tory) party:

63% would accept Scottish independence, as a price for Brexit.
59% would accept losing Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland.
61% are willing to accept “significant damage” to the British economy, as a price worth paying for Brexit.

What would be a bridge too far for these morons (Sorry, I meant Tories), is Labour’s leader, Jeremy Corbyn becoming prime minister. 51% will give up Brexit, if that would prevent Corbyn from moving into Downing Street.

Some people you cannot help. If they want to die, they should be allowed to die. But, like with every suicide, there is collateral damage: the people left behind, who are left without a loved one, who feel inadequate for not being able to help in time. In the case of the Brexit mass-suicide, the suicide is forced on us all. And don’t let’s forget it: half of the voters, voted to REMAIN in the EU. Tough luck. They will die too.

PS: I am quite certain that were the same Tories asked whether they agree to Scotland or Northern Ireland going independent, the overwhelming majority would give a very clear NO, under no circumstance, response.

1 comment:

  1. Brexit may cost the British people (and the other Europeans). But it is hardly the same as collective suicide.
    The EU in its present state of governance is not an attractive entity to be part of. In the eyes of many it is worth paying a price of some sort to leave it.
    To be sure, LESS than half voted to remain. The majority voted to get out. Such is democracy.
