Saturday, 24 December 2016

Better late than never.

2016 was a nasty year, but just before it’s end, The UN’s Security Council brings a smile and some satisfaction. By a 14-0 vote and the abstention of the USA, they passed resolution 2334, condemning Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied territories.

For years, The US has been the and still is the great enabler of the Israeli occupation. With its funding of Israel to the tune of $3.8 billion per annum, the Obama administration has failed to make use of the leverage, which the US could have to bring about a peace settlement in the Middle East.  At the end of his presidency, Obama – who has finally agreed not to veto a Security Council decision censuring Israel – is showing his frustration, disappointment and disgust of the way Israel has been behaving.

It is a great shame that this has come so late and, indeed, it may have come too late – with all the damage caused by the Israeli occupation – but, better late than never.  

To the current members of the Security Council: Well done and thank you: China, Russia, UK, France, and Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Uruguay, as well as Senegal, Venezuela, Angola, Ukraine, Malaysia, and Egypt.


  1. Without expressing any political opinion: The ambush of US president in the Security Council is not appropriate for the President of the world's No. 1 superpower. If this reflects his views regarding the settlements he could have expressed it openly and in advance to the Security Counsel meeting but apparently this is what you can expect from B. H. Obama.

  2. Ich stimme Dir mit Deiner Meinung völlig zu. Auch ich habe überhaupt kein Verständnis dafür wie die Palästinenser von Israel behandelt werden. Es war wirklich an der Zeit, dass die UNO das selber deutlich gemacht hat. Das Vetorecht der fünf Großmächte ist unerträglich.
