Monday 9 September 2019

The Living Goddess

Last week’s “rape” of the Queen by the Eton Hooligan, Boris Johnson, somehow reminded me of the Kemari devi, the Living Goddess and of the discomfort that I felt many years ago in Kathmandu, with this institution and concept of the revered puppet. The Nepali goddess is revered until she reaches puberty, at which stage a replacement is sought. Becoming an ex-goddess is the price the girl pays for the benefits endowed on her and her family during the goddess years.

We were delivered an in-your-face reminder of the fact that the Monarch in Britain is just a puppet that must do what she is told. In return, she and her family are allowed to enjoy a life of sumptuous luxury, with popular reverence thrown in as an added bonus. The extent of the pretence was made painfully obvious, when the new British Prime Minister arranged for the Queen to endorse his plan to shut down Parliament during a period in which, he wishes not to be disturbed by the country’s legislative body and true sovereign.

One is always reminded of the absurdity of the role of the Queen, a sovereign who is not the sovereign, when at the ceremonial State Opening of Parliament, the Queen delivers the “Queen’s Speech”. The Queens Speech is an announcement of the government’s plans during a new legislative period. So, when the Conservatives are in power, the Queen announces that her government will reduce taxes and do other things which please Tories, whereas when the country has a Labour government, the Queen announces that her government will do the exact opposite. Thus, her speech is not her speech. Her words are not her words. She must read aloud, what she is given by the government of the day. She has no say whatsoever.

The Queen is very old and before her death, she could have shown greatness. She could have tried to save the country from the disastrous downward slide it has embarked on. She didn’t. Britain should now reconsider this arrangement, in which it has a hereditary Head of State. 

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