Tuesday 12 February 2019

Muslim Congresswoman forced to apologise

Ms. Ilhan Omar, the newly elected Democrat Congresswoman from Minnesota, made the gravest error a politician in the US can make: she pointed out to the fact that pro-Israel lobby money is behind US politicians’ unquestioning support of Israel.

She soon enough got her first lesson in how American democracy functions.  She was hit by a shitstorm, in which even her own party deserted her and forced her to apologise.

Omar apologised, yet cleverly added “At the same time, I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA or the fossil fuel industry.” 

AIPAC probably did not even have to work hard to enforce Ms. Omar’s apology. Her “colleagues”, who are all drip funded – some more, some very much more – by a variety of lobbies, do not want this funding shindig to be scrutinised, or god-forbid, to ever end.  

Is it permitted to say that the NRA gun-lobby buys influence with money, but prohibited to say the same thing about AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby – just because of the anti-Semitic trope about Jews and money? So, what can one say about AIPAC? Preferably nothing, must be the answer.

I have no idea whether Ms. Omar is an anti-Semite or not but calling out AIPAC and pointing to their influence is not anti-Semitic. Forcing Omar to apologise is dishonest and shameful.

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