Tuesday 6 March 2018

This is Not True

Despite the fact that anti-EU, populist parties in Italy have been supporting an appeasement policy vis-à-vis Russia

In my imagination, the following took place in a meeting, some time ago, at the political cyber hacking centre of the FSPM, a unit of the Russian Secret Service. The subject was the 2018 Italian elections. As they did in the USA, Britain, France and Germany, a plan had been prepared and a budget was brought for approval. And yet, much to the disappointment of the colonel in charge of the web brigades (troll army) for Southern Europe, the FSPM General in charge of cyberwarfare in countries that are not yet ready for military takeover, laughed it off explaining that Italian politics are so chaotic, that no external interference is needed to ensure continued weakness.

As not to offend the Italians, the Russians have denied the veracity of the above story.   


  1. I like the story which raises a smile.
    As ever the reality is much harsher.
    The disarray brought over Europe, and Germany, Italy, Britain and the Eastern European states was caused mainly by Mrs. Merkel who invited muslim migration into the EU and Germany in particular. She has done more damage to her country and the European ideal than anybody since 1945.
    And if the Russians ever had a hand in the various elections in Europe, then they were not very successful.
    The mostly Russia-friendly moderate left wing democratic parties met with resounding defeats.
    Maybe, just maybe, they scored a semantic success: The democratic will of approx. half the electorate is generally denounced as "populist".
    And it certainly doesn`t need the Russians to be anti-EU, the latter being a most imperfect political edifice that resulted from an idealistic, well-meaning idea.

  2. Gerade habe ich Deinen Blog gelesen. Der war diesmal besonders interessant und aufschlußreich. Danke.
