Wednesday, 13 June 2012

BILD Zeitung vs. FAZ

This one is aimed at my German readers: The Bild Zeitung has recently spent two days with Netanyahu’s wife, Sara, and produced a sickening eulogy. Boy, do they paint a false Bild. Does Bild always produce such crap? How far can they go with the misinterpretation of Axel Springer’s support of Israel?

To get it right, I recommend you read Hans-Christian Rößler’s  Im Fahrstuhl nach oben: Wie die “Bild” Zeitung Sara Netanjahu lobt in the FAZ of 11 June. 


  1. what do you expect from the Bild Zeitung - do you seriously think, that the Germans are 'fair' regarding Israel? It is difficult for us all....

    1. just saw this comment and want to say: Bild doesn't represent Germany or Germans!!!

  2. hallo david ich liebe deine kommentare wenn sie auch manchmal zu kritisch sind
    aber immer bringen sie einem einen anderen gesichtspunkt wie nur den eigenen
