Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Bernhard Meinhof at the Grand Canyon

They started a conversation on the shuttle from the park's visitor centre to the top of the trail. It was clear that they had just met on the bus. He was American, she was Russian and he spoke about the "Red Army of Bernhard Meinhof Gang". She had not heard of the Bernhard Meinhof Gang and so he continued: They were Germans and they liked East Germany. Carlos the Jackal was part of it. They attracted mainly supermodel type girls who only wanted to sunbathe when they went to training camps to help the Palestinians.

She was not that interested in his story but she did want her photo taken at almost every rock on the trail. For that purpose, she posed with her hair flung out in various reclining positions in numerous spots overlooking the Canyon. Occasionally she would shriek something that she must have heard in Russian versions of romantic Italian trash.

By the time they reached the first stop, he already had his arm around her. Soon thereafter they were kissing. A few hours later, on the way back, he was vomiting.


1. Is bringing up Baader-Meinhof (or his version:Bernhard Meinhoff) a proven chat-up line?

2. Did he play sick to get her to play nurse?

3. Does the Russian girl need an immigration visa?

4. Did she poison him in order to play nurse to prove her long-term value?


  1. Loved both your recent blog news.

  2. יש לך עינים חדות ואזניים עוד יותר מחודדות. אתה צריך לכתוב את הספר הבא על דברים כאלה. מין סיפורים קצרים כמו סומרסט מוהם.

  3. I will try the Baader Meinhof approach, but possibly not at the Grand Canyon just in case it doesn’t go over too well………

  4. the questions is how did YOU hear about it.

  5. once again - Thank you- about the American/Russian - who knows but...... , once again, you do meet strange people!

  6. John - that sounds very sensible. Do let me know the success ratio.

  7. Elad, I must refer you to the sharp eyes and ears referred to in one of the anonymous comments.

  8. Hallo David, die wirklich interessante Frage bleibt (ausnahmsweise) ungestellt - woher die Kenntnisse über romantic italian trash? Kerstin

  9. Kerstin - bei facebook, hätte ich hier ein "like" gegeben.
