Tuesday 28 August 2018

John McCain

The world press is full of eulogies and tributes to the deceased Senator John McCain, who died a few days ago, referring to him, amongst others, as a “war hero”. The truth is that the man’s military track record is far from rosy. He was driven by unattractive macho behaviour, losing one aircraft after another, as he went on unauthorised missions or took unnecessary risks. His military and political connections and his money enabled him to leverage this military past and build a political career out of it. He then became one of the Senate’s central supporters of ever more spending on the military.

Moreover, this man gave the despicable right-wing populist Sarah Palin, a world-stage, as he made her his running-mate in 2008. With this choice – which fortunately did not get him into the White House – McCain unleashed the evil that has then won the 2016 Presidential election. Thus McCain – who opposed and sincerely despised Trump – has helped make him possible. We should not forget that.

Nor should we ever forget that beasts cannot be tamed. Attempts, to introduce or install nasty ideas or evil people, with the idea of making use of them, nearly always backfire.

McCain courageously, openly and vociferously criticised and admonished Trump – for which he deserves much credit. It is the shame of the Republican Party that none of McCain’s senior colleagues openly condemn Trump. For this cowardice, they deserve to roast in hell. We should, however, not let our anti-Trump sentiments colour the true picture of McCain.

1 comment:

  1. Your comments on McCain fail to acknowledge that he would not allow the Vietnamese to release him because of who is father was; that he stood up to Dick Cheney on torture; and that he was a highly effective senator.

    I agree wholly on Palin.
